臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.11(2-5)

特集名 透析食の調理者と透析患者
題名 全国各地の透析患者の食事事情 (5) 外食中心の60歳代独身男性患者
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 戸田 千佳子 増子記念病院臨床栄養課・管理栄養士
著者 朝倉 洋平 増子記念病院臨床栄養課・管理栄養士
著者 西田 歩 増子記念病院看護部
著者 森弘 卓延 増子記念病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析患者において,単独世帯は増加傾向にある.都市部に近い場所に住んでいる男性独身患者においては,利便性から外食中心の食生活となり,塩分・水分の過剰摂取が原因で体重増加過剰をきたしてしまう場合がある.今回,6カ月間の継続的な栄養指導と透析室看護師による確認により,外食中心の食生活のまま塩分・水分コントロールが改善された1症例を提示する.一方,単独世帯の透析患者は,食事準備や移動の負担から容易に食事摂取量が低下することもあり,本人の受け入れられるタイミングでの中食・宅配食の情報提供も必要である.
Theme Dialysis patients and people who are in charge of preparing food
Title Bachelor hemodialysis patient in 60's who consumed restaurant food
Author Chikako Toda Department of Nutrition, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Youhei Asakura Department of Nutrition, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Ayumu Nisida Department of Nutrition, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Takanobu Morihiro Department of Nephrology, Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] In hemodialysis patients, there has been an increase in single person households. Male single patients living in locations near to urban areas, have restaurant centered eating habits which may cause weight gains due to an excess intake of salt, and water. A case illustrating that salt, and water control may be improved for patients who eat at restaurants is illustrated. This was accomplished with a six month continuous nourishment instruction program with confirmation by a dialysis nurse. In addition, dialysis patients may have decreased dietary intake due to the burden of meal preparation and difficulties while living alone. Home delivery of lunches is also helpful for these individuals.