臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.11(2-4)

特集名 透析食の調理者と透析患者
題名 全国各地の透析患者の食事事情 (4) 認知症の妻の介護をしながら在宅で腹膜透析を行っている80歳代男性患者
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 小野 真由子 岡山済生会総合病院・管理栄養士
著者 森 美和子 岡山済生会総合病院・管理栄養士
著者 大原 秋子 岡山済生会総合病院・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 介護者自身が高齢となり,PD療法という新たな手技を覚えながら認知症家族の介護を行うことはかなりストレスが大きいと考えられる.高齢者夫婦のみの世帯が増えており,子供には迷惑をかけたくないという思いから,一人ですべてを抱え込んでしまうことも多い.患者に何が負担になっているかを洗い出し,多職種がチームで関わり,負担軽減のための療養支援を行うことはQOLと療養の質の向上につなげることができると考える.患者自身の想いをしっかり傾聴し,家族の協力,地域と連携しながら情報を共有することが重要である.
Theme Dialysis patients and people who are in charge of preparing food
Title Male in his 80's receiving PD therapy at home while caring for the wife with dementia
Author Mayuko Ono Department of Nutrition, Okayamasaiseikai General Hospital
Author Miwako Mori Department of Nutrition, Okayamasaiseikai General Hospital
Author Akiko Ohara Department of Nutrition, Okayamasaiseikai General Hospital
[ Summary ] When caregivers become elderly, providing care for other family members who have dementia may become stressful especially when new PD procedures are required. The number of households consisting of only elderly couples is increasing, and because they do not want to bother their children, they often carry on alone. It is possible to clarify what is a burden to the patient and provide medical support by reducing burden on patients. This may be accomplished by involving multiple occupations in the caregiver team to improve quality of life through quality of care. It is important to listen carefully as the patients express their own feelings, to cooperate with the family, and to share information with other members of the caregiver team while working in cooperation with the community.