臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.10(1-2)

特集名 透析患者の人生の最終段階への関わり方
題名 透析差し控え・中止 (2) 「維持血液透析の開始と継続に関する意思決定プロセスについての提言」―全国アンケート調査1)結果を踏まえて
発刊年月 2018年 09月
著者 岡田 一義 川島病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 全国アンケート調査によると約50%の施設が透析の見合わせを経験しており,見合わせた患者の約90%が高齢者,約50%が認知症,約8%が透析を開始/再開していた.「提言」に準拠しない見合わせの実施があり,透析専門医の試験申請/更新申請において,倫理についての教育講演の聴講を必須条件にする必要がある.見合わせ決定後も定期的に患者の意思を確認する必要がある.提言は終末期を前提としており,終末期ではない患者が透析を拒否した場合には,医療チームは,患者が最善の選択をできるように十分な情報を提供し,よく話し合い,患者が意思決定した過程を共有することが重要である.多くの施設が事前指示書の重要性を認識しており,今後の普及が期待される.
Theme The management of the end of life in hemodialysis patients
Title Proposal for the Shared Decision -- Making Process Regarding Initiation and Continuation of Maintenance Hemodialysis -- based on the findings of a national questionnaire
Author Kazuyoshi Okada Department of Kidney Disease, Kawashima Hospital
[ Summary ] Approximately 50 % of hospitals had experienced a decision to discontinue or not initiate dialysis. Approximately 90 % of those patients were elderly patients, approximately 50 % had been diagnosed with dementia, and approximately 8 % had initiated and re-initiated dialysis. A few decisions regarding forgoing dialysis were not in compliance with the guidelines pertaining to shared decision-making. Physicians specialized in dialysis care are required to attend an educational session/seminar on ethics prior to applying to take their board examination or renewing their license. They must also regularly confirm the patient's wishes even after the decision is made. These recommendations pertain to terminal patients. Therefore, when a non-terminal patient refuses dialysis, the medical team must help such patients to make the best choice by providing sufficient information, discussing the situation thoroughly and following the patient's decision-making process. Most hospitals recognize the importance of advance directives, and these should be more widely adopted in future.