臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.8(4)

特集名 予後改善を目指した透析医療
題名 予後改善のため血圧異常にはこう対処する
発刊年月 2017年 07月
著者 武田 真一 自治医科大学内科学講座腎臓内科学部門
著者 長田 太助 自治医科大学内科学講座腎臓内科学部門
【 要旨 】 透析患者の大多数はなんらかの血圧異常を呈し,予後改善を目指した透析医療を実践するためには,多面的な対策が求められる.さまざまな病因が関与するほか,血圧値は透析時・非透析時間でも変動しやすく,病態評価は不可欠な第一歩となる.闇雲な数値達成は,必ずしも予後改善にはつながらない.高血圧では過剰体液量の関与が最大の特徴であり,ドライウエイトの適正化は最重要課題となる.一方で,透析低血圧・起立性低血圧・常時低血圧は透析関連低血圧と総称され,安全な透析治療の障害となるだけでなく,いずれも予後不良因子である.透析間の体重増加抑制や家庭血圧の測定励行,栄養管理など,コメディカル・スタッフとも協力しながら対応する.
Theme Manifold preferable strategies for better prognosis of the dialysis patients
Title Blood-pressure management to improve the prognosis in hemodialysis patients
Author Shin-ichi Takeda Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
Author Daisuke Nagata Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis patients often present with abnormal blood pressure (BP), which leads to a poor prognosis. In an effort to understand the diverse underlying pathogenetic mechanisms, the first step is determining primary contributory factors. A palliative correction of the present BP value leads to little improvement of mortality. Dialysis patients are prone to overhydration, and thus, dry weight (DW) assessment is crucial for lowering BP. In addition to cardiothoracic ratio measured using a chest radiograph and evaluation for the presence of subcutaneous edema, inferior vena caval diameter measured with echocardiography and plasma levels of human atrial natriuretic peptide are of great use. Medication is not the first-line of antihypertensive and should be considered after achieving an adequate DW level. Additionally, dialysis hypotension including intradialytic hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, and sustained hypotension, is a poor prognostic factor. In particular, intradialytic hypotension is associated with degree of BW increment between dialysis days. Management of sustained hypotension might prove to be the greatest clinical challenge. Counseling regarding lifestyle modifications such as appropriate dietary restrictions, self-measurement of home BP, and assessment of nutritional status in patients could provide important benefits for improving impaired BP control. Therefore, effective collaboration between nurses, dieticians, and clinical engineers is required.