臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.6(1-5)

特集名 創造する透析医療―新たなmodalityへの期待と課題
題名 新たなmodality(5)透析患者の運動リハビリはどこまで有効か?危険ではないのか?
発刊年月 2017年 06月
著者 三浦 美佐 筑波技術大学保健科学部
著者 伊藤 修 東北医科薬科大学リハビリテーション学
【 要旨 】 本邦の維持透析患者数は増加を続け,2015年には32万人を超え,平均年齢も67.9歳と高齢化している.透析患者では,腎性貧血,尿毒症性低栄養,骨格筋減少・筋力低下,骨格筋機能異常,運動耐容能の低下,易疲労感,活動量減少,QOLの低下などが認められ,透析患者の運動耐容能は心不全患者やCOPD患者と同程度まで低下している.一方,近年では透析患者の運動の効果について多数報告されている.よって,本稿ではどのような運動療法をいつ行うのが有効か,運動適応基準とリスクも含めて解説する.
Theme Creation of hemodialysis modalities for new goals
Title Effects of exercise training on patients with chronic kidney disease
Author Misa Miura Department of Health, Tsukuba University of Technology
Author Osamu Ito Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis (HD) patients exhibit lower levels of fitness in relation to various structural, metabolic, and functional abnormalities due to uremic changes in skeletal muscles. The exercise capacity of HD patients declines and is independent of the extent of renal dysfunction. Furthermore, HD patients are at high risk of falls, with subsequent complications including fractures, loss of independence, hospitalization, and institutionalization. In addition, aerobic and resistance exercise are beneficial not only in improving physical functioning, including maximal oxygen uptake and muscle strength, but also in improving anthropometrics, nutritional status, hematological indexes, inflammatory cytokines, depression, and health-related quality of life. Recently, the benefits of exercise for HD patients have been well established. Additionally, intradialytic exercises are safe without leading to any adverse events. Furthermore, regular exercise should be considered a crucial therapeutic modality for HD patients.