臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.2(6)

特集名 CKD貧血ガイドライン―二度の改訂を巡って
題名 わが国の貧血ガイドラインと欧米のガイドラインの違い
発刊年月 2017年 02月
著者 濱野 高行 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科腎疾患統合医療学
【 要旨 】 KDIGO貧血ガイドラインでは,介入の害と益に関しては,全死亡,透析導入,心血管イベントなどのハードアウトカムが重視され,ソフトアウトカムとしてはQOLが採択された.一方で日本では,とくにアウトカムは明示されなかった.一般に欧米人では日本人に比しCRP値が高く,そのためフェリチン値は高い.よって鉄管理基準に関して日本と明瞭な差がある.欧米でのESA使用を曝露因子としたRCTがESAの副作用を白日の下にさらした.一方で鉄剤使用に関するRCTが臨床上重要なアウトカムを改善したという背景もあり,Iron firstが謳われた.日本でもフェリチン<100ng/mL「かつ」TSAT<20%でしか鉄を投与できなかったが,鉄の囲い込みがない状況下では,「または」に変更された.
Theme Guideline for CKD-related anemia -- looking back twice's revision
Title Comparison of Japanese renal anemia guidelines with those of other countries
Author Takayuki Hamano Department of Comprehensive Kidney Disease Research, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease prioritize hard outcomes such as mortality, dialysis initiation, cardiovascular events, and quality of life (QOL) over surrogate outcomes when discussing the risks and benefits of intervention. However, in the Japanese guidelines for renal anemia in chronic kidney disease, such an outcome-based approach is not employed. Western hemodialysis patients have higher levels of ferritin than their Japanese counterparts, since they have a higher level of inflammation, as shown by their higher C-reactive protein levels. Therefore, sharp contrasts exist between the KDIGO and Japanese guidelines for the ranges of iron markers at which iron therapy is initiated. Based on many Western randomized controlled trials (RCTs), showing the harms of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and some RCTs showing the benefit of iron therapy in terms of hard outcomes and QOL, an "iron first" approach was advocated in the KDIGO guidelines. Similarly, Japanese guidelines have somewhat liberalized the approach to iron administration. In the prior Japanese guidelines, iron was recommended only when transferrin saturation (TSAT) was <20 % AND ferritin was <100 ng/mL ; however, this criterion has been changed to TSAT <20 % OR ferritin <100 ng/mL in the absence of iron sequestration in the new guidelines.