臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.13(5-2)

特集名 透析スタッフにとっての腎移植―直面する臨床的課題
題名 どのように腎移植を学ぶべきか(2)看護師・CEの立場から
発刊年月 2017年 12月
著者 上野 岳洋 増子クリニック昴・看護師
【 要旨 】 移植技術の向上・適応の拡大・免疫抑制薬の応用と移植後合併症に対する治療の進歩により移植件数も増え,生着率・生存率も大きく向上してきた.
透析患者の多くは,移植に対し導入前に腎代替療法(renal replacementtherapy ; RRT)の一つとしての説明を受けることは多いが,血液透析や腹膜透析導入後は移植についての説明が継続して行われていることは少ないのが現状である.われわれ透析室で従事する医療者は,患者・家族の環境や状態等を考慮しながら患者にとって最善のRRT に関する情報を提供し,選択する機会を設けなければならない.当然,移植についても情報提供を行うべきである.
本稿では,透析室に従事している看護師・臨床工学技士(clinical engineer ; CE)に必要とされる腎移植の知識について述べる.
Theme Kidney transplantation for dialysis room staff -- Recent clinical issues
Title How should a nurse and clinical engineer study kidney transplantation?
Author Takehiro Ueno Masuko Clinic Subaru/Nurse
[ Summary ] The number of patients undergoing transplantation has increased owing to the progress made regarding treatment for complications associated with transplantation. Owing to the expansion of the transplant criteria, use of immunosuppressive drugs, and adaptation of the transplant technique, graft survival has significantly improved, and the survival rate of patients has been high. Most dialysis patients are informed regarding renal replacement therapy (RRT), including transplantation before introduction of dialysis. However, after introduction of hemodialysis and peritoneum dialysis, they are rarely informed of renal transplantation as an option. Medical professionals who are in charge of dialysis should provide information about the best RRT for patients and provide them the opportunity to choose their preferred treatment, taking into consideration the environment or status of the patients and their family members.
In this report, knowledge on various factors involved in successful renal transplantation is presented, which indicates that a nurse and a clinical engineer (CE) must be present in the dialysis room.