臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.13(1)

特集名 透析スタッフにとっての腎移植―直面する臨床的課題
題名 日本の腎移植の現況と今後の展望
発刊年月 2017年 12月
著者 湯沢 賢治 国立病院機構水戸医療センター臓器移植外科
【 要旨 】 腎代替療法として完全に腎機能を代替できるのは腎移植である.慢性透析患者は32万人を超えているが,年間の腎移植症例数は1,600例程度で,このうち80%以上が生体腎移植である.現在,移植腎5年生着率は生体腎で94.5%,献腎移植で87.3%ときわめて良好な成績を得ている.生体腎移植では,ABO血液型不適合が33%,夫婦間での腎移植が43%で,親子間の41%を超えている.維持透析を受けずに腎移植に至る症例が34%となった.しかし,臓器移植は本来,亡くなった人からの提供で行うべきものであるが,臓器移植法制定から20年,改正から8年経過しているが,一向に臓器提供者は増えておらず,逆に献腎移植を希望して登録している患者の移植の機会は減少している.
Theme Kidney transplantation for dialysis room staff -- Recent clinical issues
Title Present status and future prospects of kidney transplantation in Japan
Author Kenji Yuzawa Department of Transplantation Surgery, National Hospital Organization Mito Medical Center
[ Summary ] Kidney transplantation is the only way to replace complete kidney function as renal replacement therapy. The number of patients undergoing chronic dialysis therapy is more than 320,000 in Japan, but that undergoing kidney transplantation in 2016 was approximately 1,600, and more than 80 % of kidney transplants were from living donors. The 5-year survival rate of kidney grafts was 94.5 % from living donors and 87.3 % from deceased donors. Of all living kidney transplantations, 33 % were ABO blood group-incompatible cases, 43 % were transplantations between husband and wife, and 34 % were preemptive transplantations without chronic dialysis. Organ transplantation should be performed from deceased donors. Twenty years have passed since the establishment of the organ transplant law, and 8 years have passed since the revision, but the number of deceased donors has not increased. Conversely, opportunities for kidney transplantation from deceased donors are decreasing.