臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.12(2-4)

特集名 透析患者向け治療食の最先端
題名 [最新栄養学を透析患者にどのように取り入れるか!将来展望]食物繊維の種類と有用性とは?―便秘対策
発刊年月 2017年 11月
著者 唐澤 幸司 伊那食品工業株式会社研究開発部
【 要旨 】 血液透析の受療者は便秘の頻度が高いといわれている.腎臓病者は食物繊維を1日当り5.9 gしか摂取できていないとの報告もあり,便秘との関連性が推察されている.最近,精製度が高い食物繊維素材を食事に取り入れることで,カリウムを抑えて食物繊維量を多く摂取できるようになってきた.食物繊維は,不溶性と水溶性に大別される.不溶性食物繊維は,便量を増加させ,腸の蠕動運動を促進させる機能をもつ.水溶性食物繊維は,血糖値や血中中性脂肪の上昇を抑える効果がある.寒天は不溶性と水溶性のどちらの性質ももつ.寒天による透析患者の排便コントロールが実践され,排便に問題がある被験者の割合が低下したことが報告されている.
Theme Forefront of therapeutic food for dialysis patients
Title Types and utility of dietary fiber
Author Koji Karasawa Ina Food Industry Co., Ltd.
[ Summary ] People who receive hemodialysis treatment have been reported to have a high frequency of constipation. It is also reported that patients with kidney disease consume only 5.9 g of dietary fiber per day. It is suspected there is a correlation between deficiencies in dietary fiber and constipation. Recently, it has become possible to ingest higher amounts of dietary fiber with less potassium by incorporating highly refined dietary fiber into the diet. Dietary fibers are roughly divided into insoluble and soluble. Insoluble dietary fibers have the function of increasing in the amount of stools and promoting intestinal peristalsis. On the other hand, soluble dietary fibers suppress rises in blood sugar levels and blood neutral fats. Agar has both insoluble and soluble properties. It has been reported that defecation control of dialysis patients through intake of agar has provided a higher percentage of subjects with reduced defecation problems.