臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.12(1-1)

特集名 透析患者向け治療食の最先端
題名 [総論]年代ごとに求められる透析患者の栄養管理のあり方
発刊年月 2017年 11月
著者 金澤 良枝 東京家政学院大学現代生活学部健康栄養学科/腎臓・代謝病治療機構
著者 中尾 俊之 東京家政学院大学現代生活学部健康栄養学科/腎臓・代謝病治療機構
【 要旨 】 透析患者の高齢化と多様化に伴い,単に年齢のみで区切って栄養管理を考えることは困難である.そこで,①就労透析患者の栄養管理,②低栄養状態のない元気な高齢透析患者の栄養管理,③低栄養状態のある高齢透析患者の栄養管理という分類で栄養管理を実施することを提案する.dry weightの経時的変動,透析間体重増加量,患者個々の食事摂取量や摂取方法の変化,臨床データの変動,栄養評価の実施,さらに精神的・社会的側面にも鑑みながら,栄養管理を行うことが必要である.
Theme Forefront of therapeutic food for dialysis patients
Title Age-specific and individualized approaches for nutritional management of maintenance dialysis patients
Author Yoshie Kanazawa Department of Health and Nutrition Faculty of Contemporary Human Life Science, Tokyo Kaseigakuin University / Organization for Kidney and Metabolic Disease Treatment
Author Toshiyuki Nakao Department of Health and Nutrition Faculty of Contemporary Human Life Science, Tokyo Kaseigakuin University / Organization for Kidney and Metabolic Disease Treatment
[ Summary ] Control of salt, water, potassium, phosphate, protein and energy intake is essential for nutritional management of maintenance dialysis patients. Protein-energy wasting (PEW) may occur in cases involving insufficient energy intake. Phosphate intake is closely correlated with protein intake. Unintentional low nutrient intake contributing to PEW is primarily caused by anorexia in elderly dialysis patients.
The age of incident dialysis patients has recently increased. Nearly half of the patients who began dialysis treatment in 2015 were over the age of 70. However, the physical, functional, nutritional status and medical condition of elderly patients is variable. Hence, dietary management should be carried out in consideration of the characteristics of individual patients. Therefore, individualized approaches are required for nutritional management of patients receiving maintenance dialysis treatment. For this reason, we propose to classify those patients into three categories ; 1) actively working adults, 2) physically active elderly patients without PEW and 3) physically inactive elderly patients with PEW.