臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.11(2-6)

特集名 開かれたCKD看護の模索―意思決定を支援する
題名 [実践報告]ターミナル期にある透析患者に対する意思決定支援の実際
発刊年月 2017年 10月
著者 阿部 利惠 淑徳大学看護栄養学部
【 要旨 】 本事例は,透析歴12年の60歳代の患者が末期の膵臓がんと診断され,終末期に向かうなかでの意思決定支援の報告である.患者は,年単位での生存が難しいと診断され,一時は透析の意味さえ見失うほどの絶望感に見舞われたが,看護師が患者の気持ちを受け止め支えることで徐々に自分の意思を語るようになっていった.看護師は,患者の言葉を大切にしながら対話を進め,そのプロセスのなかで事前指示書作成ができるように支援した.また,患者と家族との間で事前指示書に関する意見の対立が生じたが,医療者によるファシリテーションを通して患者の意思を尊重し,患者のQOLを考慮しながら患者と家族が合意を目指して対話を重ねるプロセスが大切であることを経験した.
Theme Seeking for nursing which responds to the individual needs of the patients -- from the perspective of decision-making support
Title Decision-making support for terminal-stage dialysis patients
Author Rie Abe College of Nursing and Nutrition, Shukutoku University
[ Summary ] This case offers a report on end-of-life decision-making support for a patient in her sixties diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer after being on dialysis for twelve years. After the patient was diagnosed as being unlikely to survive another full year, she experienced a state of despondency to the extent that she no longer felt that even dialysis was necessary. However, when nurses provided support that acknowledged her feelings, the patient gradually began to communicate her wishes. By respecting the patient's opinions while moving the dialogue forward, nurses provided support that enabled the patient to prepare a living will (advance healthcare directive). This document occasioned conflict between the patient and her family ; however, the process of promoting repeated dialogue facilitated by medical personnel, with the aim of achieving consensus between the patient and her family while respecting the patient's wishes and considering the patient's quality of life (QOL), was found to be important.