臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.11(2-1-1)

特集名 開かれたCKD看護の模索―意思決定を支援する
題名 [実践報告]保存期患者に対する意思決定支援の実際 a. CKD外来での療養支援
発刊年月 2017年 10月
著者 井本 千秋 近江八幡市立総合医療センター腎臓センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 保存期腎不全の時期の患者は定期的に受診しているが,その間の療養行動は自己管理となる.CKD外来では患者が病気とうまく付き合い,療養行動を問題なく行えているのか,不安や悩みはないのか,看護師は患者に関わり確認する必要がある.そこで患者から救いを求められたときには適切な対応が求められる.そのため,コミュニケーションスキルとコーチングスキルを身につけておけば患者の療養行動の意思決定支援に活かすことができる.
Theme Seeking for nursing which responds to the individual needs of the patients -- from the perspective of decision-making support
Title Actual decision-making support for patients with kidney failure before dialysis -- CKD outpatient care support
Author Chiaki Imoto Department of Nursing, Omihachiman Community Medical Center Kidney Center
[ Summary ] Patients in the preservation stage of renal failure undergo regular doctor's examination, but the medical care required during this period is self-management. In the CKD outpatient clinic, patients need to manage their symptoms. Nurses need to be involved with their patients to confirm whether patients perform their remedial duties without problems and whether there is no anxiety or other type of psychological repercussion. Therefore, when a patient requests assistance, appropriate response from the nurse is required. It is therefore important to acquire communication and coaching skills so that decision making regarding sanitation behavior is supported by the nurse.