臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.11(1-2)

特集名 開かれたCKD看護の模索―意思決定を支援する
題名 [総論]透析看護における意思決定支援
発刊年月 2017年 10月
著者 髙井 奈美 名古屋大学医学部附属病院看護部・慢性疾患看護専門看護師
【 要旨 】 最近,意思決定支援という言葉を多く耳にする.透析看護においては,透析導入という延命治療の開始という生命倫理的課題が含まれるため,意思決定支援は看護行為のなかでもとりわけ重要視されている.また,慢性腎不全患者や透析患者は慢性的な経過を辿ることから慢性期特有の生活調整を強いられる.その生活調整のなかにおいても意思決定がなされ,疾患と折り合いをつけている患者がいることを考えていきたい.
Theme Seeking for nursing which responds to the individual needs of the patients -- from the perspective of decision-making support
Title Decision-making support in dialysis nursing
Author Nami Takai Department of Nursing, Nagoya University Hospital/Certified Nurse Specialist in Chronic Care Nursing
[ Summary ] "Decision-making support in nursing" has been a frequently used term of late. The introduction of dialysis therapy in dialysis nursing has resulted in bioethics issues, because of which decision-making support has become an important aspect of nursing. Patients with chronic kidney disease who are on dialysis therapy are on the trajectory of chronic illness and are forced to manage their lifestyle. The changing lifestyle involves a lot of decision making in terms of dealing with a chronic illness.