特集名 | 開かれたCKD看護の模索―意思決定を支援する | |
題名 | [総論]看護における意思決定支援の意義 | |
発刊年月 | 2017年 10月 | |
著者 | 中村 光江 | 日本赤十字九州国際看護大学 |
【 要旨 】 | 医療における意思決定は倫理的課題であり,その背景には価値の対立が存在する.意思決定支援の根本は価値の調整と選択への支援である. 看護師は,患者の代弁者や擁護者,あるいは関係者間の調整役として,家族や他の専門職者などと協働して,本人の意思決定支援およびその意思の実現に努める. 患者を第一義におくという看護の本質から,患者への「アドボカシー(擁護)」は看護の倫理的役割の一つと位置づけられ,「意思決定支援」は看護専門職としての責務である.ケアリングは看護の根幹となる概念であり,意思決定支援においても看護の基盤となる. |
Theme | Seeking for nursing which responds to the individual needs of the patients -- from the perspective of decision-making support | |
Title | Significance of decision-making support in nursing | |
Author | Mitsue Nakamura | Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing |
[ Summary ] | Ethical issues in medical services are related with decision making. Problems in decision making are attributed to the conflict of values. Therefore, decision-making support involves adjusting values and helping patients make the best choice. Nurses make efforts to support decision making as a spokesman, an advocate, or a coordinator, and they help patients arrive at a decision by working with his family and other medical professionals. The provision of primary services to patients is the essence of nursing ; therefore, "advocacy" is one of the ethical roles in nursing. Thus, the provision of decision-making support is the duty of nursing professionals. "Caring," which is an essential part of nursing, is also the foundation of the decision-making support provided by nurses. |