特集名 | 維持透析患者の喪失感―理解・克服への支援 | |
題名 | 患者たちのインタビューを通じてみた透析患者の喪失体験と再生の物語 | |
発刊年月 | 2017年 09月 | |
著者 | 市丸 喜一郎 | はまゆう会新王子病院 |
【 要旨 】 | 透析患者が語る人生のストーリーを素直に受け止め耳を傾ける,われわれが行っている「透析患者の語りの会」は,語りとその後のフィードバックを通じて,多くの喪失を抱える患者が改めて生きる意味を問い直す契機と捉えている. 患者は,辛い喪失体験と再生の物語を自らの言葉で語ることにより,これまで生かされたことへの感謝と“ありがとう”の言葉で,その喪失感が一見,昇華されたように見受けられる.しかし,そこには彼らにとって語りたくない・語りえない沈黙があり,さらに語り手をいかにして募るかといった越え難い壁を感じる. ゆえに透析医療従事者は,語りを解釈するばかりでなく,まず患者の人生を想像しつつ寄り添い,その辛い体験を解消していく共同作業の場をもたなければならない. |
Theme | Sense of loss of dialysis patients -- support for understanding and overcoming | |
Title | Experience of loss and regeneration appearing in dialysis patients as shown by a narrative interview | |
Author | Kiichiro Ichimaru | Hamayu-kai Shinoji Hospital |
[ Summary ] | 'Narrative Society of Dialysis Patients' is where patients undergoing dialysis are offered a chance to talk freely and openly about their lives. This type of narrative interview helps patients come to terms with the loss and regeneration associated with their lives and to reconsider the meaning of their life. This feedback approach through a narrative interview increases awareness in patients and helps them to appreciate the fact that they are alive by the related people and the surroundings. Some patients might experience the oftennoted "sublimation" phenomenon. However, although such narrative interviews are beneficial, there remain some painful/bothersome experiences that might be difficult for patients to express or patients might experience a sort of silence/emptiness that is seemingly difficult to describe. And there also is hardness in choice of patients themselves. Therefore, medical staff associated with dialysistreatment while avoiding a literal interpretation of the patients' remarks (story), must try and relate to the patient and reduce or eliminate their complaints/pain by trying to closely understand their life experiences. |