臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.10(2)

特集名 維持透析患者の喪失感―理解・克服への支援
題名 透析患者の喪失体験とグリーフケア
発刊年月 2017年 09月
著者 堀川 直史 埼玉医科大学かわごえクリニックメンタルヘルス科
【 要旨 】 透析患者は多くの喪失を体験し,悲嘆(グリーフ)のさまざまな症状がみられる.透析患者におけるグリーフケアの目的は,悲嘆のケアと疾病受容プロセスの進行を助けることである.このためには,患者の喪失体験とそれに伴う感情と認知を聞いて,理解することがもっとも重要である.
Theme Sense of loss of dialysis patients -- support for understanding and overcoming
Title Sense of loss experienced by patients undergoing hemodialysis and effective grief care for such patients
Author Naoshi Horikawa Department of Psychiatry, Kawagoe Clinic, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis patients have various loss experiences and demonstrate several symptoms of grief. The aim of grief care for hemodialysis patients is to relieve them of the burdensome feelings of grief and to help them with "psychological adaptation to illness." To achieve this goal it is extremely important to be good listeners and listen actively to patients as they describe their sense of loss and their feelings and cognition, as well as to precisely understand what they wish to convey.