臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.1(10)

特集名 開かれた透析医療―Integrated Careの具現化
題名 ソーシャルワーカーから見た透析医療における連携のあり方
発刊年月 2017年 01月
著者 藤田 譲 白鷺病院医療福祉科・MSW
【 要旨 】 近年,ソーシャルワーカーの人数は増加傾向にある.しかし,養成段階では医療に関する教育が不十分で,多職種連携の教育経験もないまま,準備不足で就職する例が多い.医師をはじめとする医療従事者との関係に苦労するソーシャルワーカーも目立つが,ソーシャルワーカーとしては自らの役割を周囲に理解してもらうよう働きかけることが求められる.
Theme Integrated Care -- evolving model in nephrology and dialysis
Title Collaborative care in dialysis settings -- a social worker's view
Author Jo Fujita Division of Social Work, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of social workers in health care has increased because social conditions have changed. However, many social workers do not acquire knowledge about medicine and health care, and gain little experience in collaborative care and teamwork in health care settings, until they start their career in social work. Many social workers may experience difficulty in relations with doctors and other medical staff. In such situations, medical staff should be helped to understand the role of social workers in the health care system. In moving toward a policy of comprehensive community-based care, it is essential that all staff in health care and care workers in the community collaborate to provide effective services. Social workers in dialysis settings must perform as key members of the care team, and demonstrate their ability to collaborate and communicate.