臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.1(1)

特集名 開かれた透析医療―Integrated Careの具現化
題名 「統合ケア(Integrated Care)」とは
発刊年月 2017年 01月
著者 小松 康宏 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 複数の慢性疾患をもつ高齢者が増加している社会では,複数の専門医,医療機関が個別に診療を担当することは,治療を分断化し,患者・社会の双方の負担となる.医療と福祉,介護を含めた連携体制として「包括・統合ケア(Comprehensive/Integrated Healthcare)」が重要視されている.欧米の一部では制度として導入されており,わが国でも「地域包括ケアシステム」が進みつつある.本稿では「統合ケア」の概念と透析医療における展開について考察する.
Theme Integrated Care -- evolving model in nephrology and dialysis
Title Integrated Care for dialysis patients
Author Yasuhiro Komatsu Department of Nephrology, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] Specialization of medicine often amounts to fragmented, expensive, and inefficient care for elderly people with multiple complex problems. Integrated care, management, and delivery of health services has become an integral concept in healthcare system in order to provide a continuum of preventive and curative services to the elderly, according to their needs over time and across different levels of the healthcare system. The Japanese dialysis delivery system can be considered a tacit and informal integrated care system, which has led to the world’s best outcome for dialysis patients. An integrated care system is a pressing demand of the aging dialysis population with complex problems.