臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.9(6)

特集名 国際基準から学ぶ透析医療の質・安全
題名 災害対策(火災・地震・水害)の国際基準
発刊年月 2016年 08月
著者 門田 美和子 聖路加国際病院QIセンター
【 要旨 】 Joint Commission International(JCI)では,災害対策(火災・地震・水害)はFMS(Facility Management and Safety)の章において,「災害への備え」および「火災時の安全確保」,非常用の電源や水についての「ユーティリティシステム」,災害や火災関連の訓練も含めた職員の教育についての「職員の教育」などの項目で認定の基準が定められている.
Theme Improving quality and patient safety in dialysis care : lessons from international standard
Title Joint Commission International Standards for disaster preparedness
Author Miwako Kadota Quality Improvement Center, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] The 5th edition of JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals define performance expectations, structures and functions which must be in place for hospitals to be accredited by JCI. Disaster preparedness, fire safety and related issues are covered in the "Facility Management and Safety" chapter of the standards manual.
JCI accreditation has brought about new insights which improve disaster readiness in our hospital, which may be applied to disaster preparedness in dialysis facilities as well.