臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.8(2-3)

特集名 認知症と透析医療
題名 認知症透析患者に対する看護
発刊年月 2016年 07月
著者 大坪 みはる 関西看護医療大学看護学部看護学科
【 要旨 】 認知症透析患者の看護における重要課題は,透析中の安全確保と透析生活継続のための介護家族への支援である.透析中の安全確保では,患者の不穏行動の要因となる身体症状,不安・緊張などの精神状態,環境の変化をアセスメントする看護力が影響する.また,個々の認知症透析患者への対応については,多職種協働によるきめこまかい情報収集と対策を共有し,落ち着いた安心・安楽の環境づくりに努める.そして,認知症透析患者がその生活を継続できるように介護家族の現状把握とその思いに耳を傾け,心身の負担軽減に努める.これらの実践事例を集約することで,さらなる認知症透析患者の看護の向上をはかる.
Theme Cognitive impairment and dialysis therapy
Title Nursing care for dialysis patients with dementia
Author Miharu Otsubo School of Nursing, Kansai University of Nursing and Health Sciences
[ Summary ] An important issue in providing care for dialysis patients with dementia is providing support for their families through cooperation with professional nursing staff. By forming a team, safety outcomes and quality of life can be improved. To provide safe dialysis, physical as well as cognitive and behavioral symptoms of the patient must be considered. The patient’s mental state, such as anxiety or tension, should be monitored by nursing staff to assess changes in those individuals. In addition, detailed information about the patient's condition must be collected and shared through multi-disciplinary collaboration. We must strive to create an environment which is calm and secure as well as comfortable for the patient. Dialysis patients with dementia must be assessed in light of their current situation and long-term care and support provided to their families. For us to be able to continue to listen to their thoughts and concerns, we strive to reduce mental and physical burdens. Improvements in nursing care for dialysis patients with dementia may be made by following these noted suggestions.