臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.5(1-1)

特集名 透析膜update―生体適合性からみた評価法と特性
題名 総論 (1) 透析膜の生体適合性
発刊年月 2016年 05月
著者 秋澤 忠男 昭和大学医学部内科学講座腎臓内科学部門
著者 加藤 徳介 横浜市立市民病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 血液浄化療法における生体適合性は,血液浄化素材と血液との接触により生じる生体の異物反応に基づき,血液浄化素材の安全性を規定する概念として提唱されたが,その後より広い意味で血液浄化療法に伴う生体反応を基準に治療の安全性を規定する概念に拡大された.生体適合性は,血液透析患者では短期的のみならず,長期的予後に広範な影響があると考えられ,その向上に現在も多くの努力が払われている.
Theme Recent evaluation and characteristics for dialysis membranes from biocompatible viewpoints
Title Biocompatibility of hemodialysis membrane
Author Tadao Akizawa Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Author Noriyuki Kato Department of Nephrology, Yokohama Munipal Citizen's Hospital
[ Summary ] Contact between blood and membrane materials in hemodialyzers brings about several reactions in the human body, including activation of platelet, coagulation, the kallikrein-kinin system, the complement systems, as well as others. The biocompatibility of dialysis membranes was originally proposed as a concept to determine the safety of membrane materials based on harmful reactions in the human body induced by the contact between blood and membrane materials during hemodialysis. However, since many other factors such as sterilization methods, dialysate contamination and non-physiological dialysate composition also affect biological reactions induced by dialysis. Therefore, biocompatibility is now considered to be a factor used to determine the overall safety of blood purification therapy based on physical reactions induced by extracorporeal circulation. In hemodialysis patients, it has been reported that biocompatibility provides significantly improved effects not only in the short term but also in terms of long term complications. As a result, biocompatibility is considered to be an important factor in determining prognoses for dialysis patients. A great deal of effort has been paid to developing dialyzers with better biocompatibility. However, further investigation is required to fully resolve problems resulting from bioincompatibility.