臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.4(4-1)

特集名 難病指定腎疾患 -- 保存期CKDと腎代替療法期における管理
題名 遺伝性疾患 (1) 多発性囊胞腎
発刊年月 2016年 04月
著者 一居 充 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科代謝内分泌病態内科学
著者 石村 栄治 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科腎臓病態内科学
【 要旨 】 常染色体優性多発性囊胞腎(ADPKD)は,PKD1とPKD2遺伝子に変異が認められる遺伝性腎疾患のなかではもっとも頻度の多い疾患である.ADPKDは60歳までに約半数の患者が透析導入に至る.診断には超音波検査,CT,MRIのような画像検査が必須である.ADPKDに対する治療は降圧療法など保存的治療しかなかったが,2014年から本邦でトルバプタンが使用可能となっており,現在までの報告ではトルバプタンは囊胞の増大,腎機能障害の進行の抑制を認めている.腎代替療法では,ADPKD症例でも腹膜透析は禁忌ではなく,また腎移植後に囊胞が縮小する可能性もある.
Theme Designated intractable kidney diseases:The control in non-dialysis CKD and renal replacement therapy
Title Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Author Mitsuru Ichii Department of Metabolism, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Eiji Ishimura Department of Endocrinology & Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common form of hereditary kidney disease, in which PKD1 and PKD2 genes are identified as the cause. About half of the ADPKD patients need maintenance hemodialysis until the age of 60. For the diagnosis of ADPKD, imaging techniques, such as ultrasounds, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, are needed. Only conservative treatments using medications such as antihypertensives were available, before, tolvaputan was approved for ADPKD treatment in 2014 in Japan. It has been reported that tolvaputan can suppress cyst swelling and deterioration of renal function. For renal replacement therapy, not only hemodialsysis, but also peritoneal dialysis therapy may be employed. Renal ADPKD cysts may be reduced in size after renal transplantation.