臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.4(1)

特集名 難病指定腎疾患 -- 保存期CKDと腎代替療法期における管理
題名 腎原疾患を踏まえた保存期CKD治療と腎代替療法―難病指定の腎疾患増加時代
発刊年月 2016年 04月
著者 西 慎一 神戸大学大学院医学研究科腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 厚生労働省が指定する難病疾患の増加に伴い,腎疾患領域にも指定難病が増加した.難病指定腎疾患から末期腎不全に至り腎代替療法が必要となった症例は,慢性腎臓病(CKD)保存期から腎代替療法開始後まで一貫した管理が必要である.ただし,その管理に必要な検査あるいは治療法には多くの未解決の問題が含まれている.たとえば,難病指定腎疾患の腎代替療法開始後の再発予防は難しい問題であり,新規治療薬剤の腎代替療法開始後の有効性は十分に評価されていない.腎代替療法に携わるスタッフは難病指定腎疾患にかかわる諸問題に慎重に対応する必要がある.
Theme Designated intractable kidney diseases:The control in non-dialysis CKD and renal replacement therapy
Title Intractable kidney disease in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal replacement treatment
Author Shinichi Nishi Division of Nephrology and Kidney Center, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The number of intractable diseases as designated by the Japanese Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry has increased. These conditions include new renal diseases. Patients with intractable renal diseases often progress to end stage kidney disease, moderated control is necessary through the stages of non-dialysis CKD, as well as at the initiation of renal replacement treatment. Many questions are involved with the consecutive steps of one unresolved control. Matter is how to prevent the reactivation of intractable renal diseases after the start of renal replacement therapy. There is only limited evidence as to whether new therapeutic agents for intractable renal diseases are effective or not after the initiation of renal replacement therapy. Healthcare professionals engaging in renal replacement therapy must deal with these questions concerning intractable renal diseases in a careful manner.