臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.3(2-4)

特集名 後期高齢透析患者の看護のあり方を再考する
題名 後期高齢透析患者の看護・介護 (4) 患者の療養生活の実際―患者インタビューから見えてくるもの
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 田中 紀子 草津総合病院看護部
【 要旨 】 増加を続ける後期高齢透析患者は,透析療法をどう受容しているのか.患者の療養生活における体験の意味づけを明らかにすることを目的に,言語的コミュニケーションが可能な後期高齢期(75歳以上)の透析患者4名を対象にインタビュー調査を行った.そこから,「生ある者として生き抜く姿勢」「療養生活を円滑にするための努力と揺れ動く思い」「療養生活の辛さや負担感との折り合い」「療養生活を前向きに過ごそうとする思い」という4つのキーワードが浮かび上がってきた.継続する療養生活のなかで,揺れ動く思いをもつ高齢透析患者を理解し,適切なサポートを提供することが看護者には求められている.
Theme Reconsidering caring of 75 years of age or older dialysis patients
Title What the elderly patients experience in and about their dialysis therapy
Author Michiko Tanaka Department of Nursing, Kusatsu General Hospital
[ Summary ] It has been pointed out that the elderly patients most poorly accept a dialysis treatment because of their declined cognitive functions. I consider that they implicate their medical treatment lives as matters different from acceptance of dialysis.
This study aimed to analyze the experiences of elderly patients on dialysis, who living with medical treatment.
I conducted a semi-structured interview with four elderly patients on dialysis aged over 75 years.
When living with the medical treatment, the elderly patients were motivated to live and made efforts to live with the treatment as best as they could. This was because they had higher expectations from living with the medical treatment, and used these experiences (recognizing the values of their own existence) to improve their human relationships.
It is important for nurses to empathize with elderly patients on dialysis living with the medical treatment and to deepen cooperation with the patients' families and regions in supporting them.