臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.3(2-3-1)

特集名 後期高齢透析患者の看護のあり方を再考する
題名 後期高齢透析患者の看護・介護 (3) 導入期の支援 a.血液透析
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 不動寺 美紀 福岡赤十字病院看護部
【 要旨 】 透析導入のもっとも多い年齢層は男女ともに75~79歳であり,導入患者全体の38.4%を占める.後期高齢者は,加齢による生理的機能や身体機能の低下,予備能の低下を認めるが,健康状態は,個体差が大きいことが特徴である.
Theme Reconsidering caring of 75 years of age or older dialysis patients
Title Dialysis introduction support of the elderly person
Author Miki Fudoji Department of Nursing, Japanese Red Cross Fukuoka Hospital
[ Summary ] People in the age group of 75-79 years most commonly undergo dialysis and constitute 38.4 % of all the patients undergoing dialysis. In general, the elderly have decreased physiological and physical functions due to their aging. However, the health conditions differ at the individual level.
In their late years, elderly people mainly have sarcopenia and frailty. Moreover, they show multiple complications after the introduction of dialysis. Taking care of their physical status is the first priority to ensure the stable introduction of hemodialysis and its continuation. And it is what I support with a patient, a family by a thought, a team to make assessment including a psychology side, a local news page, and to be able to rebuild the life that seems to be the person while incorporating dialysis.