臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.3(2-2)

特集名 後期高齢透析患者の看護のあり方を再考する
題名 後期高齢透析患者の看護・介護 (2) 患者の療養生活への支援
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 三村 洋美 昭和大学保健医療学部看護学科
著者 小松崎 記妃子 昭和大学保健医療学部看護学科
【 要旨 】 後期高齢透析患者は,全身の老化に加えて腎臓病や透析の合併症によって,さらに身体的な機能低下を引き起こす.そして日常生活を困難にする原因は老年症候群である.また,身体的要素,精神心理的要素,社会的要素が絡み合ってフレイルの状態を生じさせ患者の自立を阻害する.
Theme Reconsidering caring of 75 years of age or older dialysis patients
Title Supporting the daily life of elderly patients on dialysis
Author Nadami Mimura Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University
Author Kiiko Komatsuzaki Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University
[ Summary ] Elderly patients who are on dialysis have decreased physical function. The physical function decline is caused by complications such as kidney disease and dialysis. The geriatric syndrome causes difficulties in their activity of daily living. Further, physical, mental, psychological, and social factors give rise to a frail state and inhibit the independence of the patients.
They need assistance because of their frailty. We need to respect the elderly, give them their dignity, and discover their acquired skills and capabilities. Thus, we can improve their psychological, physical, and social status by taking advantage of these capabilities and skills. Care providers must be based on a personhood, and it is important that we try to understand the intention of the patients and discuss it with them.