臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.2(6-2)

特集名 高齢・超高齢透析患者の致死的感染症
題名 特殊な感染症 (2) レジオネラ肺炎
発刊年月 2016年 02月
著者 浅野 学 望星病院
著者 小口 健一 望星病院
著者 岩渕 仁 望星病院
【 要旨 】 レジオネラ肺炎はLegionella pneumophilaを代表とするレジオネラ属菌による細菌性肺炎である.透析患者,高齢者,糖尿病患者,免疫抑制患者などはハイリスク群とされている.本疾患は急速な経過で重症化しやすく致死率の高い肺炎であるため早期に診断し治療を行わなければならない.尿中抗原検査は診断に有用ではあるがすべての透析患者に施行できるわけではないこと,また陽性とならないレジオネラ菌も存在することに注意が必要である.レジオネラは細胞内寄生菌であり,治療には細胞内移行に優れる静注ニューキノロン系薬が第一選択である.
Theme Fatal infections of elderly and super-elderly dialysis patients
Title Legionella pneumonia should be recognized as the mortal pneumonia for elderly dialysis patients
Author Manabu Asano Bosei Hospital
Author Kenichi Oguchi Bosei Hospital
Author Hitoshi Iwabuchi Bosei Hospital
[ Summary ] Legionella pneumonia is one form of community acquired, nosocomial pneumonia caused by the legionella species. Water is the major natural reservoir for legionella. The pathogen is found in many natural and artificial aquatic environments such as cooling towers or water systems in buildings, including hospitals. Legionella pneumophila is a fatal pathogen for immunocompromised patients. Patients with diabetes, chronic kidney disease and immunosuppression have been consistently implicated as being at risk. Elderly dialysis patients have increased risk for the infection. Diagnosis of Legionella pneumonia remains a clinical challenge. Legionella pneumonia is not always strongly suspected because of its non-specific indications and symptoms, and indefinite urinary antigen tests. These tests indicate only the dominant species and the serogroup ; e.g. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. These tests, while routinely available do not provide the desired sensitivity. Fluoroquinolones have demonstrated improved clinical outcomes and decreased complications. The fatality rate for these patients is 10-20 %. Early recognition and treatment of complication will likely result in reduced mortality and morbidity. Legionella pneumonia should be recognized as a potentially mortal form of pneumonia for elderly dialysis patients.