臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.2(5)

特集名 高齢・超高齢透析患者の致死的感染症
題名 腹膜透析(PD)関連;難治性腹膜炎
発刊年月 2016年 02月
著者 樋口 千恵子 東京女子医科大学東医療センター内科
【 要旨 】 高齢者は身体能力の低下,免疫能の低下,腸管憩室症の罹患率増加などから腹膜透析(PD)関連の腹膜炎を発症しやすいとの報告がある一方,若年者の発症率と差はないという報告もある.2013年の本邦の腹膜炎のアンケート調査では高齢者では若年者に比べStaphylococcus属が多く,バッグ交換汚染からの波及や内因性感染からの腹膜炎が多かった.また,出口・トンネル感染からの腹膜炎および以前の腹膜炎罹患回数が多い患者はPD 離脱になりやすいという結果であったが,年齢は離脱になりやすい因子ではなかった.また経験的抗菌薬治療の投与法では腹腔内投与は死亡,PD離脱が少ないという結果であった.これらの結果より,高齢PD患者では難治性腹膜炎の予防にはバッグ交換手技教育の徹底,内因性感染のチェック,抗菌薬の腹腔内投与が望ましい.
Theme Fatal infections of elderly and super-elderly dialysis patients
Title Refractory PD peritonitis
Author Chieko Higuchi Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East
[ Summary ] Elderly patients may be more susceptible to peritonitis because of functional impairments, immunodefi ciency and diverticulitis. However some reports have revealed rates of peritonitis in elderly patients which were similar to rates observed in younger patients. A 2013 retrospective questionnaire survey of Japanese peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, revealed positive rates of Staphylococcus sp. in peritoneal effluent cultures of elderly patients to be higher than younger patients. Contamination during peritoneal fluid exchange and extension of intra-abdominal cavity infection were more common causes of peritonitis in elderly patients than in younger patients. Statistical analysis exhibited that catheter exit-site infection and frequency of past episodes of peritonitis but not age, were independent factors associated with PD treatment withdrawal. Prognoses for patients grouped in terms of empiric antibiotic administration methods were signifi cantly different statistically. In the intra-abdominal administration group, rates of mortality and catheter replacement were lower. From these results concerning prevention of refractory peritonitis, training for bag exchange, checks for intra-abdominal infection and intra-abdominal administration of antibiotics were important for treatment of elderly patients.