臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.12(2-3)

特集名 リハビリ・運動療法を活用した高齢腎不全患者の栄養管理
題名 高齢腎不全・透析患者への栄養指導の実際 (3) 高齢の独居,老老世帯
発刊年月 2016年 11月
著者 朝倉 洋平 増子記念病院臨床栄養課・管理栄養士
著者 小関 裕二 増子記念病院リハビリテーション科・理学療法士
著者 安田 香 増子記念病院腎臓内科
著者 木下 裕子 増子クリニック昴・腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析患者の高齢化は確実に進行している.夫と2人暮らしで高齢の女性患者の場合,ADLの低下に伴い,買い物を含めた食事の準備でさえも,負担となる場合がある.今回,当院で実施している集団調理実習(透析患者向け)を利用した食事指導と運動療法を行い,約2年間にわたり安定した経過を辿っている1症例を提示する.夫と2人暮らしで高齢の女性患者においては,調理実習によるレシピや補助食品を利用した個々の患者に合った食事指導と,栄養状態,炎症状態を定期的に観察したうえでの運動療法が重要である.
Theme Nutritional care for elderly chronic kidney disease patients utilizing rehabilitation and kinestology
Title Nutritional guidance for an elderly dialysis patient who lived with her husband
Author Yohei Asakura Department of Nutrition, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Yuji Ozeki Department of Rehabilitation, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Kaoru Yasuda Department of Nephrology, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Yuko Kinoshita Department of Nephrology, Masuko HD Clinic "SUBARU"
[ Summary ] The aging of hemodialysis patients is certain. Elderly patients who live only with their spouses sometimes have difficulties in shopping and preparing their meals due to a decline in performance in activities of daily living. As part of nutritional guidance, cooking practice is being provided in our hospital. This information was used for one case in which the patient was receiving exercise therapy. The patient had been receiving care for approximately 2 years and was in a stable condition.
Cooking practice and dietary supplementation may provide appropriate nutritional guidance for individual elderly patients.
Periodic observation of the dietary status and infl ammatory disorders of dialysis patients is crucial for providing appropriate exercise therapy.