臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.12(1-2)

特集名 リハビリ・運動療法を活用した高齢腎不全患者の栄養管理
題名 総論 (2) 高齢腎不全・透析患者の食事・栄養―高齢透析患者の「コ食」(個食,孤食,小食)対策
発刊年月 2016年 11月
著者 山崎 卓磨 昭和大学病院栄養科・管理栄養士
著者 菅野 丈夫 昭和大学病院栄養科・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 学童の食環境の問題である「コ食」(「個食,孤食,小食」)は,近年の高齢透析患者の食事・栄養の問題にも合致する.透析患者の場合,「個食」の原因として,透析療法に伴う禁止食品の増加が挙げられる.しかし,栄養素の含有量と摂取量による調節,構成表などの簡易的ツールを用いることで,不要な制限が緩和され,「孤食」の改善にもつながる.「小食」の対策としては,栄養状態が良好な早期から,主食からのエネルギー摂取を具体的に指導することと間食の利用が勧められる.食欲不振の際は,栄養素や水分摂取量も減少するため,それらを考慮して柔軟な対応を行う.そのほかに考慮すべき問題として,透析間体重増加量管理や調理担当者の負担軽減について述べた.
Theme Nutritional care for elderly chronic kidney disease patients utilizing rehabilitation and kinestology
Title Diet and nutrition in elderly hemodialysis patients
Author Takuma Yamazaki Department of Nutrition, Showa University Hospital
Author Takeo Sugano Department of Nutrition, Showa University Hospital
[ Summary ] Recently, dietary problems such as Koshoku, which means "a solitary meal, eating alone, and a small appetite" in Japanese, have been reported in schoolchildren in Japan. These problems have also been reported in elderly hemodialysis patients. A solitary meal is prepared to prevent the intake of foods prohibited for patients undergoing hemodialysis. As solutions to this problem, regulating the amount of nutrient and food intakes, and using a simple food list are recommended. These measures would reduce unnecessary food prohibition. Improvements in solitary meals are related to improvements in the habit of eating alone. In order to curb their appetite and maintain their health, patients should be educated on the importance of getting enough energy from staple foods and having a snack between meals. If patients spoil their appetites, a flexible meal plan is recommended to prevent a decrease in their dietary intake of water and nutrients. Moreover, issues on interdialytic weight gain and reducing the burden on the cook have been raised.