臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.11(5-6)

特集名 社会資源を活用した透析患者への支援のあり方
題名 社会資源活用による患者支援の実際(6)透析患者の家族支援―社会資源活用の視点から
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 今井 眞里 増子記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 わが国の透析患者の高齢化は急速に進行しており,導入患者の半数弱が糖尿病性腎症患者で,心血管系の合併症をもつ患者が増加している.そのような時代背景のなかで,要介護透析患者を支える家族支援や,治療の継続・日常生活においての社会資源の活用が必要となっている.透析看護実践においては看護師の役割の一つとして,社会制度や社会資源の活用方法について理解し,適切なタイミングで効果的な看護介入をすることが求められている.
Theme Support for dialysis patients by using social resources
Title Support for families of dialysis patients by using social resources
Author Mari Imai Department of Nursing, Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] According to statistics from the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, the number of chronic dialysis patients in our country was more than 320,000 at the end of 2014. The average age of dialysis patients is 67.54, which is 0.33 years older than in 2013. Of the male patients, 28.4 % are over 70 years old as are 51.4 % of the female patients. About half of the patients require dialysis because of diabetic nephropathy. We can also note that the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases has increased.
In this situation, we need to support family members of aged dialysis patients who need nursing care. Furthermore, it is important to use social resources for these family members to be able to continue to take care of patients at their home. We, the nursing staff, need more information about social resources and how to use them to support these patients and their families.