臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.11(5-3)

特集名 社会資源を活用した透析患者への支援のあり方
題名 社会資源活用による患者支援の実際(3)認知症を合併する患者への取り組み
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 吉田 衣里子 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニック看護師
著者 丸山 祐子 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニック看護師
著者 林田 めぐみ 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニックMSW
著者 藤原 久子 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニックMSW
著者 原田 孝司 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニック
著者 舩越 哲 衆和会長崎腎病院/長崎腎クリニック
【 要旨 】 超高齢社会にある日本において,認知症は増加傾向にあり,透析医療においても同様である.家族形態の変化により,通院援助や病状に合わせた生活支援,介護者支援などの社会資源の活用は不可欠である.患者・家族にとって透析通院は精神的・身体的負担が大きいと予測されるが,残された人生を有意義に過ごし,住み慣れた自宅での生活を続けることで,認知症症状の悪化を防ぐことができる可能性があり,在宅介護の選択は有効であると考える.認知症は誰もが経験する可能性があり,他人事ではない.地域住民レベルで認知症の理解を深め,ともに生きる社会を作り上げることが必要と考える.
Theme Support for dialysis patients by using social resources
Title Practical support for cognitively impaired patients, utilizing social resource
Author Eriko Yoshida Department of Nursing, Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
Author Yuko Maruyama Department of Nursing, Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
Author Megumi Hayashida Medical Social Worker, Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
Author Hisako Fujiwara Medical Social Worker, Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
Author Takashi Harada Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
Author Satoshi Funakoshi Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
[ Summary ] With the aging of the Japanese population, the number of patients with cognitive impairment has increased along with the number of patients those receiving hemodialysis (HD). Therefore, it is essential we utilize social resources to provide support for those patients as caregivers. This is especially true due to alterations in Japanes family structure. It is understandable that attending medical facilities for HD therapy is a serious physical and mental burden for both patients and their supporting families. However, this therapy can be potentially useful to avoid the progression of cognitive impairment. As a result, patients may continue to live in places where they have lived for a great deal of time and hope to spend the rest of their lives in a meaningfull way. Medical professionals may help patients choose the best in-home care options. We must be serious in preparing for increasing numbers of patients with impaired cognition since many people will succumb to this condition. As a result, it is necessary to promote better understanding of cognitive impairment in our community, and build a society where both patients and families can live together in harmony.