臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.11(5-2)

特集名 社会資源を活用した透析患者への支援のあり方
題名 社会資源活用による患者支援の実際(2)自立支援アプローチ―その人らしく生きるための支援
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 高橋 妙子 佐藤循環器科内科・看護師
【 要旨 】 日本における高齢化は急速に加速化し,それは透析患者でも同じであり,2014年末「わが国の慢性透析療法の現況」によると,透析導入時平均年齢は男性が68.1歳,女性が70.9歳で前年に比較しそれぞれ0.29歳,0.54歳と高齢化している.高齢化とともに介護給付費や医療費の増加から,国や地方自治体の歳出は厳しく見直しがされている.そこで,私たちも人生の最後まで続く透析療養生活を支え,できるかぎり自宅での生活や自宅からの通院を継続し,その人らしく生きるための自立支援をもとに地域との連携をはかることが重要課題と考える.
Theme Support for dialysis patients by using social resources
Title Support for the recuperation of dialysis patients
Author Taeko Takahashi Department of Nursing, Sato Junkankika Naika
[ Summary ] The aging of Japan's population is rapidly advancing. It is the same among dialysis patients. According to an overview of regular dialysis treatment in Japan (as of December 31, 2014), the average age of men starting dialysis was 68.1 and the average age of female was 70.9 years. Compared to 2013, the age had increased for both men (0.29 years) and women (0.54 years). By increasing long-term care benefit expenses and medical expenses according to the population's aging, the expenditure of national and local governments has had to be strictly re-examined. In order to support dialysis recuperation that continues until the last moment of the patient's life, we must help so that there can be adequate hospital visits made while the patient is still at home. To achieve this, we think that the important challenge is to strengthen cooperation with the local community.