特集名 | 高齢者の腹膜透析―assisted PDの現実と可能性 | |
題名 | assisted PDの現実と可能性(3)北海道―PDの現状とassisted PD | |
発刊年月 | 2016年 09月 | |
著者 | 伊丹 儀友 | 伊丹腎クリニック |
【 要旨 】 | 北海道における腹膜透析(PD)施行病院は全透析病院の25%弱で,PD患者数も500人前後でここ数年間変わらないか減少傾向にある.PD患者数の分布は不均一であり,一番人口の多い札幌周辺は少なかった.PDに関心をもっている医師の存在が,PD患者数に影響を与えた.PD患者の援助者は伴侶・子供を含め家族であり,欧米で行われている訪問看護師によるassisted PDは認められなかった. |
Theme | PD for elderly patients -- current status of "assisted PD" and its future perspective in Japan | |
Title | The present state of PD therapy including aPD in Hokkaido | |
Author | Noritomo Itami | Itami Kidney Clinic |
[ Summary ] | The number of patients undergoing PD in Hokkaido is below five hundred and is gradually declining. The number of PD patients in Hokkaido varies by region, with a smaller number of PD patients in the Sapporo area, which is the most populous in Hokkaido. The desire of physicians to perform DP has a major effect on its utilization. PD patients requiring assistance receive it from their family, often including spouses or children, and not by visiting nurses. |