臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.10(5)

特集名 高齢者の腹膜透析―assisted PDの現実と可能性
題名 高齢透析患者のHD,PDにおける問題点―今後のPDの意義も含めて
発刊年月 2016年 09月
著者 日ノ下 文彦 国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の高齢化により,さまざまな合併症や認知症を抱え,介助,介護,支援を要する血液透析患者,腹膜透析患者が著増している.しかし,自立していない高齢透析患者に対する支援体制や医療体制,介護環境は必ずしも整備されていない.今後は,各地域の特性に配慮しながら,医療保険と介護保険の垣根をなくしたシームレスな運用,地域医療圏における医療者同士,医療者・介護者間の連携を進めるとともに,地方行政も巻き込んで高齢透析患者の問題点に対する有用な施策を実行に移す努力が必要である.また,個々の患者により合併症や認知症の程度,体力,家族構成,経済力等々が異なるため,テイラーメイドの透析治療と支援を考えていかねばならない.
Theme PD for elderly patients -- current status of "assisted PD" and its future perspective in Japan
Title Various problems involving elderly patients on HD and PD
Author Fumihiko Hinoshita Department of Nephrology, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
[ Summary ] There is an increasing number of elderly patients on HD and PD with various complications and cognition failure. These individuals require assistance, nursing care and support. However, the Japanese medical support system to provide care for the elderly receiving dialysis has not been provided well. It is necessary we promote seamless cooperation between medical insurance systems and nursing care insurance systems. Collaboration between medical care workers as well as between health care providers including nursing care personnel in local communities must include attention to regional characteristics for health care. In addition, we should make efforts to carry out effective measures to treat serious problems associated with elderly dialysis patients by involving local government offi cials. It is suggested that we create tailor-made dialysis and support systems for elderly patients on HD and PD, adjusting them to individuals' characteristics.