臨牀透析 Vol.32 No.1(11)

特集名 高齢者の透析導入を再考する
題名 高齢者の腎移植の現状と適応
発刊年月 2016年 01月
著者 相川 厚 東邦大学医学部腎臓学講座
著者 河村 毅 東邦大学医学部腎臓学講座
【 要旨 】 本邦の高齢者の腎移植は増加傾向にあり,60歳以上のレシピエントは全体の約20%を占める.高齢者の腎移植における特徴は,急性拒絶反応の発現は少ないが,感染症による死亡が多い.そのため5年生存率,生着率は90%より低いが,他の年齢と比べてdeath censored graft survivalは変わらない.高齢者は免疫抑制が過多になりやすいが,一度拒絶反応を起こすと,腎機能を喪失しやすい.60歳以上のドナーは生体腎移植で年々増加して43.6%に達している.高齢ドナーの術後は腎不全にならないように,外来でのフォローが重要である.高齢者の腎移植は透析での生存率を上回り,生着率も比較的良好であるため,生活の質を改善するために考慮すべきであると考える.
Theme Reconsidering dialysis initiation for the elderly
Title Current status and indications for renal transplantation in elderly patients
Author Atsushi Aikawa Department of Nephrology, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Takeshi Kawamura Department of Nephrology, Toho University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The number of the elderly kidney transplant recipients has increased as spousal kidney transplantation has become more common. The number of elderly recipients over 60 years of age, accounts for approximately 20 % of the total number of kidney transplants. The characteristics of elderly kidney transplant recipients tend to include a low incidence of acute rejection. However, many die of serious infections. Five year patient and graft survival rates are under 90 % but death-censored graft survival rates are similar to those observed in other age groups. Elderly recipients tend to be excessively immunosuppressed. However, graft function frequently deteriorates due to chronic allograft nephropathy once a recipient develops acute rejection. The number of elderly living donors has increased yearly, to 43.6 % in 2014. Close follow-ups are necessary after donor nephrectomies to protect elderly living donors them from renal failure. Kidney transplantation for elderly patients can provide better survival rates and a better quality of life than dialysis. Relatively good graft survival rates are possible, despite high incidences of serious infection.