臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.8(1)

特集名 CKDにおけるサルコペニア・フレイル対策
題名 フレイルの概念,評価とその意義
発刊年月 2015年 07月
著者 荒井 秀典 国立長寿医療研究センター
【 要旨 】 フレイルは加齢とともにさまざまな臓器における予備能が減少し,外的なストレス因子に対する脆弱性が高まった状態であり,要介護状態に陥るリスクが高く,死に至るリスクも高いため,その対策は健康長寿を達成するうえで重要な概念である.しかしながら,その定義,病態生理や早期発見のためのバイオマーカーの意義,適切な介入方法などについてはまだ知見が十分とはいえない.フレイルには身体的,精神心理的,社会的な要因があるが,慢性腎臓病においてその頻度が増加し,透析患者でその合併が多く,腎疾患患者の予後改善のために知っておくべき概念である.
Theme Approach for sarcopenia and frailty in chronic kidney disease
Title Definition, assessment and implications of patient frailty
Author Hidenori Arai National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
[ Summary ] Frailty is characterized by age-associated declines in physiologic reserves and functions across multiorgan systems, leading to increased vulnerability and adverse health outcomes, such as disability or death. In order to achieve the goal of healthy long lives for older people, it is important for all health care professionals to understand the definition, assessment and implications of frailty and to develop appropriate treatment strategies. Significant progress has recently been made in understanding the pathogenesis of frailty. However, its pathophysiology, biomarkers and appropriate treatment plans have not been completely elucidated. Assessment of frailty may also be useful for implementation of risk management plans for patients with kidney disease because frailty often accompanied chronic kidney disease. Dialysis is also associated with adverse health outcomes. Therefore, we should know the implications of frailty to improve prognoses for patients with kidney disease.