臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.5(2-6)

特集名 透析業務マネジメントの新たな展開
題名 マネジメント応用編 (6) 透析施設運営におけるリソースバランスに関するマネジメントと経営戦略
発刊年月 2015年 05月
著者 松岡 哲平 医療法人社団大誠会
【 要旨 】 透析装置の自動化が進み,始業・終業に関わるマンパワーの必要性は低下しているが,現実的には透析医療従事者の業務削減には繫がっていない.透析患者の高齢化に伴い,医師・看護師・臨床工学技士はもとより,介護系スタッフの確保も考えておくべきかもしれない.
Theme Validity of management system for hemodialysis facilities
Title Management and corporate strategies for balancing in dialysis facilities
Author Teppei Matsuoka Medical Group Taiseikai
[ Summary ] With the increased automatization of dialysis machines, the necessity for human effort at the beginning or end of procedures has decreased.
However, in reality, this has not lead to a decrease in the amount of work necessary for dialysis healthcare professionals. In step with the aging of the dialysis patient population, it may be necessary to consider utilizing the manpower of nursing care staffs as well as doctors, nurses and clinical engineers.
Under some circumstances we have no choice but to handle the clinic with a minimal number of qualified staff members.
We must make efforts to reduce staff turnover. The total number of dialysis specialists available in Japan is adequate. However, in some regions there are no such specialists due to the problem of facilities being centrally located.
Many clinics in outlying regions must recruit doctors even if they have no expertise in dialysis. In-home dialysis therapy may be helpful in reducing manpower necessary for dialysis.