臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.4(2-2)

特集名 透析患者の致死的不整脈―診断・治療・予防
題名 頻脈性不整脈 (2) 心室頻拍,心室細動
発刊年月 2015年 04月
著者 神田 茂孝 東海大学医学部内科学系循環器内科
著者 吉岡 公一郎 東海大学医学部内科学系循環器内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者においては心臓突然死や致死的不整脈の発生が一般住民よりもはるかに高率に認められていることが知られており,とくに心室頻拍(VT)や心室細動(VF)などの致死的不整脈は心不全や冠動脈疾患の有病率の高い透析患者に多く認められる.また,透析患者は致死的不整脈の契機となりうる心室性期外収縮(VPC)も多く発生するため注意を払う必要がある.透析による急激な循環血液量や電解質の変化は致死的不整脈の発生原因となる可能性が高く,そのため透析患者にとって不整脈治療は大変重要と考えられる.本稿では,心臓突然死に多く関連するVT(非持続性/持続性)・VFおよびその契機となりうるVPCについて概説する.
Theme Death-dealing arrhythmia -- diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Title Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation in patients receiving dialysis
Author Shigetaka Kanda Department of Cardiology Internal Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
Author Koichiro Yoshioka Department of Cardiology Internal Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The incidence of sudden cardiac death or life-threatening arrhythmia is known to be higher in patients receiving dialysis than in the general population. A higher incidence of life-threatening arrhythmia, such as ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation, is found especially in dialysis patients with a high prevalence of heart failure or coronary artery disease. Furthermore, caution is required for dialysis patients because they are more prone to develop ventricular premature contraction that triggers life-threatening arrhythmia. Sudden changes in circulating blood volume and electrolytes induced by dialysis are highly likely to cause life-threatening arrhythmia ; therefore, treatment of arrhythmia is critical for patients receiving dialysis. Therefore, we review ventricular tachycardia (non-sustained/sustained) and ventricular fibrillation, which are closely associated with the development of sudden cardiac death and premature ventricular contraction triggering sudden cardiac death.