臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.11(8)

特集名 透析患者とその家族で取り組む合併症予防
題名 一人暮らしの透析患者
発刊年月 2015年 10月
著者 中尾 幸子 名古屋記念財団東海知多クリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 高齢者の一人暮らしが増えるなか,透析患者も例外ではない.一人暮らしの透析患者は,体調の変化が生活の質に大きく影響する.看護師は,医師や臨床工学技士とともに安定した透析を実施し,患者へセルフケア支援を行うことで合併症の予防に努める.また,ケアマネジャーや患者をとりまく各事業者と連携し,一人暮らしが安全かつ円滑に行われるよう支援を行う.家族と連絡が取れる場合は定期的な面談を行うことも大切である.
Theme Approach for preventing dialysis-related complications in dialysis patients and their family
Title Dialysis patients living alone
Author Yukiko Nakao Nagoya Memorial Foundation Tokai Chita Clinic
[ Summary ] An increasing number of elderly people are living alone, and dialysis patients are no exception. Changes in physical condition greatly impact the quality of life for dialysis patients who live alone. Nurses work to prevent complications by providing stable dialysis regimens together with doctors and biomedical equipment technicians, in providing self-care support to patients. Nurses also work in coordination with various service providers associated with care managers and patients to provide support so that patients can safely live alone without difficulty. In cases where nurses are in contact with the family, regular interviews are important.