臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.10(11)

特集名 老年医学からみた透析医療
題名 高齢透析患者の看護―腎不全看護のアジェンダ
発刊年月 2015年 09月
著者 三村 洋美 昭和大学保健医療学部看護学科
【 要旨 】 超高齢社会の高齢透析患者に対する医療と社会福祉について考察し,腎不全看護の専門的視点からのアジェンダを提示したい.高齢透析患者の問題は,認知症の高齢者の増加,高齢者の死亡者数の増加,独居と高齢者夫婦のみの世帯の増加という三つの側面で捉えることができる.
Theme Geriatric nephrology and dialysis
Title Nursing for elderly dialysis patients : agenda of nephrology nursing
Author Nadami Mimura Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University
[ Summary ] There are problems with the medical and social welfare systems in Japan concerning our rapidly aging society. This aging of our society, and a suggested agenda for nephrology nursing are discussed. Three concerns are increasing levels of dementia in the elderly, elderly mortality rates, and elderly households.
The number of elderly dialysis patients is predicted to decrease, but the rate of elderly dialysis patients being treated will increase. Nursing care with nephrology must be based on gerontological nursing needs.
Development of nursing care strategies and care systems for dementia and end of life situations for elderly dialysis patients is required.
We must create new nephrology nursing care treatment modes, and provide specialty care for elderly dialysis patients.