臨牀透析 Vol.31 No.1(4-2)

特集名 透析患者の悪性腫瘍の早期発見と予防
題名 透析患者の悪性腫瘍の危険因子と予防対策 (2) 大腸がんとがん危険因子
発刊年月 2015年 01月
著者 三野 和宏 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
著者 久木田 和丘 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
著者 後藤 順一 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
著者 土橋 誠一郎 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
著者 服部 優宏 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
著者 米川 元樹 北楡会札幌北楡病院外科
【 要旨 】 大腸がんの治療成績を上げるためには一次・二次予防が重要であり,近年,一次予防として重要な因子の検証結果が報告された.二次予防の中心は大腸内視鏡であるが侵襲性が強い.大腸内視鏡検査に代わる非侵襲的な検査として大腸CTやカプセル内視鏡が登場したが,コストや施設という点で課題が残る.現在のところ,標準的スクリーニング法は便潜血検査であるが,早期がんでは感度が低い・透析患者では偽陽性が多い,などの問題があり,より診断能力の高いバイオマーカーの開発が進行中である.現状では,透析患者の大腸がん予防に関しては,便秘対策を含めた一次予防をしっかり行い,定期的に大腸内視鏡検査を行うことが重要である.
Theme Early detection and prevention for cancer of dialysis patients
Title Preventive measures and risk factors of malignant tumor of dialysis patients -- Colorectal cancer and risk factors associated with cancer
Author Kazuhiro Mino Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
Author Kazutaka Kukita Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
Author Junichi Gotoh Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
Author Seiichiro Tsuchihashi Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
Author Masahiro Hattori Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
Author Motoki Yonekawa Department of Surgery, Sapporo Hokuyu Hospital
[ Summary ] Primary and secondary prevention are important for treatment of colorectal cancer. Recently, verification of important factors for primary prevention have been summarized. Colonoscopy is an invasive modality. However it plays a very important role in secondary prevention. Capsule endoscopy and colon CT have emerged as non-invasive alternatives to colonoscopy. On the other hand, there remain problems in terms of facilities and cost. Currently, the standard screening method is fecal occult blood tests, but their sensitivity is low in terms of detecting early cancer. False positives also often occur in dialysis patients receiving this test. Therefore more powerful biomarkers for early diagnosis are being developed.
To prevent colorectal cancer in dialysis patients, primary prevention including constipation management and regular colonoscopies should be carried out.