臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.9(14)

特集名 原疾患と合併症に合わせた透析導入と透析維持
題名 視覚障害
発刊年月 2014年 08月
著者 安藤 伸朗 済生会新潟第二病院眼科
【 要旨 】 血液透析中の糖尿病患者のほとんどは糖尿病網膜症を併発し,かつ非透析糖尿病患者よりも重症例の頻度が高い.なかには,高度の視力障害に至る寸前にいながら,まったく無自覚な例もある.糖尿病網膜症管理の原則は,網膜の不可逆性損傷の予防である.したがって,すべての糖尿病患者に定期的な眼底検査を行う必要があり,とくに透析患者は眼科受診を要する.網膜症のうち単純網膜症は内科的管理による進行防止が治療の主体だが,増殖型すなわち網膜新生血管が出現すればただちに網膜光凝固療法の適応になる.適切な時期に光凝固が行われれば,大多数の症例で高度の視力障害への進行が予防できる.光凝固が奏効せず,あるいは無治療で放置されていたために,硝子体出血,網膜剝離,そして緑内障にまで進行した例は硝子体手術の適応になる.
Theme The initiation and maintenance of dialysis in terms of original kidney diseases and complications
Title Ocular disease in hemodialysis patients
Author Noburo Ando Department of Ophthalmology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
[ Summary ] The majority of diabetic patients who have undergone hemodialysis experience associated diabetic retinopathy. They have a higher incidence of advanced retinopathy compared to the non-hemodialysed diabetic population. The basic principle of opthalmological management for diabetic patients is prevention of irreversible retinal damage. Therefore, all diabetic patients must have their fundi checked by a specialist, even if they have no ocular complications. The proliferative type of diabetic retinopathy, displaying retinal neovascularization,should be treated immediately,using extensive retinal photocoagulation. Pars plana vitrectomy should be considered for patients suffering vitreous hemorrhaging and retinal detachment, instead of retinal photocoagulation. There is no significant difference between surgical outcomes from vitrectomies to treat hemodialysed diabetic patients as compared to non-hemodialysis patients.