臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.9(12)

特集名 原疾患と合併症に合わせた透析導入と透析維持
題名 悪性腫瘍合併
発刊年月 2014年 08月
著者 舩越 哲 長崎腎病院
【 要旨 】 保存期腎不全患者のうち,透析導入の可能性が高くなった末期腎不全(ESRD)において,悪性腫瘍というさらなる重大な疾患を合併することは,精神的にも大変な打撃となる.そこでのわれわれ医療者の基本姿勢は,当然「ESRDも悪性腫瘍も両方コントロールする」ことを目指すが,実際の患者個々の状況は多種多様で,柔軟な対応が必要である.とくに高齢者において,認知機能低下のため患者の理解と意思が確認困難な場合があり,この際には家族や医療・ケアチームで患者の意思を推定することとなる.認知症患者への悪性腫瘍の告知については難しい判断を要するが,基本的には告知すべきと考える.
Theme The initiation and maintenance of dialysis in terms of original kidney diseases and complications
Title Management of patients diagnosed with malignant tumors in end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Author Satoshi Funakoshi Nagasaki Kidney Hospital
[ Summary ] For patients with chronic renal insufficiency it must be shocking to be diagnosed with additional malignant tumors especially in ESRD. Their doctors must then consider starting dialysis therapy. Although we need to try to achieve both control of renal failure and cure of malignant tumors, we must also have the flexibly to cope with various situations individual patients experience. Elderly patients are especially difficult to judge their understand the medical care. It is also hard to interpret their will. When the patient's will is not certain to decide their therapeutic strategy due to cognitive impairment, members of their family or the medical/care team must presume his will. Notification of malignant diseases to patients with impaired cognition is often hard to decide. However we must be aware that the patients always have the right to know their own conditions.