臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.9(11)

特集名 原疾患と合併症に合わせた透析導入と透析維持
題名 超高齢者・認知症
発刊年月 2014年 08月
著者 鷲田 直輝 慶應義塾大学医学部包括的腎代替療法展開医学講座
【 要旨 】 透析患者の高齢化が進み,高齢透析患者の介護問題が社会問題化している.社会支援体制の整備が急務であると同時に,本邦では高齢者の透析非導入や中止基準がないことがこの問題の背景にある.治療選択の際は,患者や家族の希望を尊重し,高齢透析患者の特徴を考慮して決定し,維持透析量は至適透析量を目指すべきである.栄養状態に対する配慮も重要であり,血液透析では大分子やアルブミン透過型のダイアライザは避け,腹膜透析では腹膜からのアルブミン漏出も考慮して最小限のバッグ交換でよいこともある.高齢者は個人差が大きく,個々に適した療法,透析量を多角的に検討し維持すべきである.
Theme The initiation and maintenance of dialysis in terms of original kidney diseases and complications
Title Dialysis in very elderly patients
Author Naoki Washida Integrated Renal Replacement Therapy and Translational Medical, Keio University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The number of elderly patients on dialysis continues to increase over time. Elderly patients often also require nursing care or assistance during the dialysis procedure. These needs remain unmet and represent an emerging social problem. Accordingly, establishment of a coordinated social support system is a pressing requirement. In Japan, there are no criteria for withholding and withdrawal of dialysis from elderly patients, and this is an underlying cause of the present situation. When recommending dialysis for elderly patients, physicians should take into consideration the wishes of the patient and family members, as well as the distinctive features of elderly dialysis patients, and should aim at the adequate dialysis dose for maintenance therapy. It is also important to take the patient's nutritional status into account. For hemodialysis, use of a highly permeable dialyzer membrane that allows the passage of large molecules and albumin is not recommended. For peritoneal dialysis, leakage of albumin across the peritoneum should be taken into account, and minimal bag exchange may be adequate. There are great individual variations among the elderly, so physicians should select the most suitable method and duration of dialysis for individual patients based on a multifactorial perspective.