臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.8(3-4)

特集名 透析患者における冠動脈疾患と心臓弁膜症の診断と治療
題名 [各論]3. 透析患者における心臓弁膜症 (4) 弁形成術後の長期予後と管理法
発刊年月 2014年 07月
著者 福井 伸哉 兵庫医科大学心臓血管外科
著者 宮本 裕治 兵庫医科大学心臓血管外科
【 要旨 】 透析患者では,頻回の血管穿刺による易感染性,穿刺部出血の問題,全身が石灰化しやすいという非透析患者にはない特異性がある.このため,透析患者に対する僧帽弁手術の際に,非透析患者と同様の抗凝固療法が必要な機械弁では穿刺部の出血の問題,生体弁では早期に石灰化する可能性,人工物への感染が懸念される.しかし,透析患者における僧帽弁形成術は,手術成績,遠隔成績,遠隔期心機能も良好で,抗凝固療法も不要であることからも,非透析患者におけるその有用性以上に,僧帽弁閉鎖不全症に対する有用な術式であると考えられる.
Theme Diagnosis and treatment for coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease in dialysis patients
Title Mitral valve surgery and anti-coagulant therapy for dialysis patients
Author Shinya Fukui Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Yuji Miyamoto Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Dialysis patients may develop infections and bleeding from puncture sites and are likely to exhibit systemic calcification. When mitral valve surgery is performed on dialysis patients, it is still controversial whether it is better to use, mechanical or bioprosthetic valves. The same anti-coagulant therapy is required for dialysis patients receiving mechanical valves as for non-dialysis patients. Early failure and calcification of bioprosthetic valves has been reported.
Mitral valve repair has become the gold standard therapy for patients with mitral regurgitation. Surgical and longterm outcomes for this procedure are excellent. Anti-coagulant therapy and concerns about calcification are not necessary for mitral valve repair. It is well known that cardiac function in patients having had mitral valve repair may be improved and maintained after surgery. Considering the advantages of mitral valve repair, it is thought to be suitable for dialysis patients having mitral regurgitation.