臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.8(2-5)

特集名 透析患者における冠動脈疾患と心臓弁膜症の診断と治療
題名 [各論]2. 透析患者における冠動脈疾患 (5) 冠動脈血行再建後の長期予後と管理法
発刊年月 2014年 07月
著者 秦 光賢 駿河台日本大学病院心臓血管外科
【 要旨 】 高度腎機能障害は冠動脈バイパス手術(CABG)における術後死亡や合併症出現の危険因子として知られる.今回,透析患者における単独CABGの成績と問題点について自験例を中心に概説する.対象は末期腎不全で透析中の患者107例で男性77例,平均年齢69.3±9.0歳,緊急CABG 45例(42.1%)であった.手術は全症例On-Pump CABGで人工心肺中に透析を行い,心停止下に左ないし右内胸動脈(LITA, RITA)と大伏在静脈(SVG)を用いて施行した.平均バイパス本数は3.08±0.97本で,大動脈遮断時間38.4±26.6分,体外循環時間105.5±38.9分であった.術後minor stroke 2例(1.9%),縦隔炎2例(1.9%),下腿創感染5例(4.7%)で,手術死亡は3例(2.8%),低心拍出量症候群(LOS)2例,術後心タンポナーデ1例であった.遠隔期SVGに対するカテーテルインターベンション(PCI)2例,native coronaryへのPCI 1例,redo CABG 2例,大動脈弁狭窄(AS)に対する大動脈弁置換術(AVR)4例で,遠隔死亡は17例(心不全5例,肺炎5例,脳梗塞4例,脳出血2例,胃癌1例)であった.脳心血管イベント回避率は5年81.6%,10年58.9%,累積生存率は5年88.8%,10年62.8%であった.透析患者に対するCABGの早期成績は良好であるが,著明な動脈硬化性病変を有するため遠隔期の心血管イベントは多く,生活習慣指導を含めた慎重な管理が重要である.
Theme Diagnosis and treatment for coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease in dialysis patients
Title Longterm outcomes for dialysis patients with chronic renal failure undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Author Mitsumasa Hata Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nihon University Hospital
[ Summary ] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an independent risk factor for mortality related to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). We assessed longterm outcomes for dialysis patients undergoing CABG. In the last 10 years, 107 dialysis patients (males 77, average age 69.3 ±9.0 years old) underwent CABG. Conventional on-pump CABG was employed for all patients and emergency operations were required in 45 patients (42.1 %). The average number of grafts, aortic cross clamp times (ACCT), and cardiopulmonary duration (CPBD) were 3.08±0.97, 38.4±26.6 min, and 105.5±38.9 min, respectively. The incidence of post-operative stroke, mediastinitis, and leg wound infection was 1.9 %, 1.9 %, and 4.7 %, respectively. In hospital mortality was observed in three patients (2.8 %). Three patients required percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and two patients had redo-CABG in later phases. Furthermore, five patients underwent aortic valve replacement (AVR) in later phases. Seventeen patients died during follow-up periods (heart failure 5, pneumonia 5, stroke 4, cerebral hemorrhage 2, gastric cancer 1). Major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular event (MACCE) free rates were 81.6 % at 5 years and 58.9 % at 10 years. Actuarial survival rates were 88.8 % at 5 years and 62.8 % at 10 years.
CABG for dialysis patients produced good results. However, many patients suffered from cerebrovascular complications in later stages. Strict lifestyle improvement is essential to prevent atherosclerotic events in CKD patients.