臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.8(1)

特集名 透析患者における冠動脈疾患と心臓弁膜症の診断と治療
題名 [総論]1. 透析患者における冠動脈疾患と心臓弁膜症の成因および臨床像
発刊年月 2014年 07月
著者 河端 奈穂子 旭川医科大学循環呼吸神経病態内科学分野
著者 赤坂 和美 旭川医科大学臨床検査・輸血部
著者 長谷部 直幸 旭川医科大学循環呼吸神経病態内科学分野
【 要旨 】 心不全は透析患者における死因の第1位であり,冠動脈疾患と心臓弁膜症は予後に密接な関係を有する.とくに糖尿病性腎症の患者では,有意な冠動脈狭窄を半数以上に認めるが,無症候性など非典型的な臨床像を呈することが多い.また,透析患者は弁石灰化を高頻度に有し,弁狭窄の進行も速い.
Theme Diagnosis and treatment for coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease in dialysis patients
Title Coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease in hemodialysis patients
Author Naoko Kawabata Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular, Respirator, and Neurology Division, Asahikawa Medical University
Author Kazumi Akasaka Department of Medical Laboratory and Blood Center, Asahikawa Medical University
Author Naoyuki Hasebe Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular, Respirator, and Neurology Division, Asahikawa Medical University
[ Summary ] Heart failure is a leading cause of death in hemodialysis patients. Coronary artery disease and valvular heart disease significantly affect prognoses for hemodialysis patients. Significant coronary artery stenosis occurs in more than half of those patients with diabetic nephropathy, even when their symptoms are not evident. Hemodialysis patients are frequently experienced by a high incidences of valvular calcification and a rapid progression of valvular stenosis. It is important to detect the above mentioned lesions in the early stages, because these patients exhibit worse prognoses once symptoms appear. We must consider referral to cardiovascular specialists, if coronary artery or valvular heart diseases are suspected.