臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(2-12)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [各論/臨床工学技士]12. 日本臨床工学技士会・血液浄化専門臨床工学技士:現状紹介
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 大石 義英 純真学園大学保健医療学部医療工学科/公益社団法人日本臨床工学技士会常任理事
【 要旨 】 「血液浄化専門臨床工学技士」は公益社団法人日本臨床工学技士会の認定資格であり,血液浄化療法に従事する臨床工学技士のさらなる資質の向上と血液浄化療法の安全確保を目的とした制度である.平成25年度まで「認定試験」を6回施行し,受験者数は762名,合格者数139名で平均合格率は18.5%であった.なお,平成25年度から「認定試験」から「検定試験」と名称を変更した.理由は試験の公益性を重視するため臨床工学技士だけではなく,血液浄化療法に従事する国家資格の取得者も受験できるようにしたためである.しかし,「血液浄化専門臨床工学技士」の名称を使用できるのは,合格者のなかで認定要件を満たした日本臨床工学技士会員のみである.
Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title Clinical engineering specializing in blood purification by Japan Association for Clinical Engineers
Author Yoshihide Oishi Department of Clinical Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Junshin Gakuen University
[ Summary ] Clinical engineers specializing in blood purification are authorized through qualifications established by a nonprofit foundation the Japan Association for Clinical Engineers. Clinical engineers specialize in blood purification systems for the purpose of improving clinical engineering for blood purification therapy and to ensure the safety of blood purification systems. Authorized examinations were conducted five times before 2012. There were 618 people examined. The number of people who passed was 114, and the mean pass rate was 18.7 %. In addition, the term "certification examination" was changed to "authorized examination" in 2013. The reason for the name modification was so that investigators could take certification examinations for national qualification to allow them to engage in blood purification therapy as well as to allow clinical engineers to make the most of public interest in this subject. However, only members of the Japan Association for Clinical Engineers who have met authorized requirements can use the title of "Clinical Blood Purification Engineers".