臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(1-1)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [総論]1. 新しい専門医制度の目指すところ
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 千田 彰一 一般社団法人日本専門医機構理事/香川大学名誉教授/徳島文理大学副学長
【 要旨 】 専門医制度改革の概要を述べる.個別学会単位ではなく診療領域単位の専門医とし,専門医の認定・更新,研修プログラム,研修施設の評価・認定を,学会認定から中立的第三者機関による認定とする.基本診療領域と,サブスペシャルティ診療領域との2段階制とし,現在18基本領域専門医と29サブスペシャルティ領域専門医が機構認定されている.臨床医を目指す医師すべてが基本診療領域専門医を取得し,さらにより細分化したサブスペシャルティ診療領域専門医を目指す.従来にも増して,研修・評価・認定のプロセスが重視されかつ明示されていることが強調される.新たな専門医機構では,専門医の認定・更新と研修プログラム・施設の評価・認定を行うとともに未だ認証されていないサブスペシャルティ領域専門医についての議論を進めることになると想定される.

Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title Aim of the new medical specialty
Author Shoichi Senda Executive Trustee of Japanense Medical Specialty Board, (Professor Emeritus Kagawa University, Vice President Tokushima Bunri University)
[ Summary ] This is an overview of the reforms of medical specialty system which have recently been proposed. Those who are certified and specialized in individual clinical areas, must acquire adequate skills. Training in specialties, certification and renewals, are evaluate analyzed to programs. Rather than by the individual medical society, new systems will be certified by a neutral third-party organization. Basic medical and specific subspecialties areas are inspected with a two stage system. The current 18 medical basic specialty areas and 29 specialty areas have been certified. All physicians have to get basic clinical practice in their areas of specialization. Then they train in their subspecialties in clinical practice after their specialties have been further subdivided. Further emphasis must be placed on training, assessment, as well as the certification process. The new organizational model must stress specialty certification and renewal. Further advances are expected in the debate about subspecialty treatment in clinical areas. Specialty certification and evaluation of training programs and facilities must all be authenticated.